Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dealing with the death of a friend and loved one

You can never really be prepared for the death of a close friend. No matter what age or stage of life, the death of a close friend is hard to handle.
After a loss, the hole in your life seems overwhelming. But the symptoms of grief are common to many people, and there are concrete steps you can take to help ease the pain as you cope with the death of your friend. Here are three things that could help:

1. Ask for Help

Unlike a physical injury where your cast or crutches are visible, it’s easy to forget that someone is hurting. Even those who remember may be worried, they’ll most likely say the wrong thing. Let friends know if you want to talk about your loss or if you’re not up for scheduled plans. If you can, take a few days off from work.

2. Connect with Mutual Friends

Sharing memories with mutual friends can help bring light in a dark time. Reminiscing and laughing over fond memories of your loved friend with other acquaintances can help with the feelings of loneliness that are sure to creep in.

3. Find Comforting Rituals

Try to keep yourself busy with things that you enjoy. Sometimes, doing activities that you and your friend liked doing together can help to work through the pain of their passing.
Dealing with the death of friend is never easy, but as the months go by, my memories will bring more smiles than tears.

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